How to Overcome Bullying &
Believe in Yourself!
hurts, plus it can destroy lives!
Both the
bully and those who are bullied need help and healing.
If you are a bully,
it may not feel easy to stop, but you can! If you have a problem with someone, don't bully that person but talk to
them face to face and remain calm in the process.
Bullies are
not courageous, but sadly, I must admit that those who choose bullying behavior are actually cowards! Bullies have low self esteem themselves!
Everything that a bully says to
hurt you or someone else is not true of you or those who are being bullied.
In reality,
everything a bully says is true only of the bully himself or herself.
The bully
who threatens already feels threatened.
The bully,
who insults by calling someone stupid or ugly, already feels stupid or ugly
It takes no special talent or ability to bully. It only takes extraordinarily low self-esteem.
If you are a
bully, be aware of this one thing: no one is impressed by the behavior you have chosen!
so-called "friends" who may follow you and go along with the bullying
or even help you with your bullying, are often afraid and dealing with low self esteem of their own.
If you are
being bullied, here are three facts you can immediately put into practice;
and understand that you have the strength and ability to become stronger than
the insults and threats thrown at you!
This takes
courage. Courage does not mean that you are not afraid.
Every great
warrior will tell you that at times they have experienced fear and have gotten
If you are
being bullied, you must know, understand, and believe that everything said to
you and about you IS NOT TRUE! It is all a lie!
This is the
first step to becoming stronger than the insults and threats bullies may throw at you.
talk is communication that is meant to harm, belittle and destroy feelings and
emotions. Negative talk is a lie, period.
"I grew up in
a home where nothing was positive.
My father
was very abusive to me both physically and emotionally. Daily, my dad pierced
my heart and soul with negative words!
He called me
dumb, stupid and many other hurtful things which would not be appropriate to
put into print. This caused me to have a very low opinion of myself.
confidence that I may have had in me was destroyed. My self esteem was destroyed.
This also
created in me, a fear that would stop me from trying to accomplish good and
positive things that would benefit my life, like applying myself in school or
trying out for organized sports.
I felt
frozen in time, paralyzed, unable to move because I felt so crummy inside.
There was so
much pain and fear inside of me that I did not care about anything! My home
life was messed up and everything else was messed up too.
My experience at school was just more of what I was dealing with at home- ABUSE!
My experience at school was just more of what I was dealing with at home- ABUSE!
I know what
it is like to be insulted, to have bad things said to you or about you and to
be physically threatened.
I was
ignored, left out, and picked on- BULLIED! I was also a special education
student from the first grade through the twelfth grade.
personal challenge of mine became the subject matter that the bullies would use
against me!"
When people speak well of you, believe it because this is the truth!
When people speak well of you, believe it because this is the truth!
Focus on your positive assets and your successes; that is the key to raising self esteem. Remember that that you were born and created with more ability and more potential
and more talent then you will ever use in a lifetime!
right, YOU, the one reading these words right now.
You are not
inferior or second rate to anyone or anything.
In life, you
have something great to offer; you have something great to give and you have
something great to do! Why? Because you were made for greatness! Greatness is
inside of you!
The science
and design of your mind and body is physical proof of this!
You have the
strength and ability to become stronger than the insults and threats that are
thrown at you.
You can
overcome the negative talk, and stay away from negative self-talk as well! Both are meant to harm, belittle and destroy you.
and have confidence in yourself beyond your difficult circumstances!
People who
have accomplished this are unshakable, unbreakable, unmovable, steadfast and a force to be reckoned with.
Belief, self-esteem and
confidence in yourself is like a swift arrow which cannot be knocked off course
as it moves with precision towards its target!
Belief, self-esteem and
confidence are like a massive mountain, so impressive in sight, size, strength
and beauty! Please don't try to tell me that you cannot believe in yourself
because of some physical or academic challenge you may have or because the
attack of the bullies is so fierce.
Some of the
greatest athletes, artists, musicians and thinkers the world has ever known
were people who were faced with great physical, emotional and academic
If you are
being bullied or abused in any way by anyone (whether it is a family member or
someone outside the home) the first thing you must do is tell someone you can
You may
think you cannot trust anyone. This just isn't true. Find that person away from
those who are causing you harm and talk to them. There are anonymous help lines you can call just to vent! Like 211, you never even have to say your name, just talk!
Whether it's a helpline, a parent, teacher, school counselor, pastor or even the police. Healing
will begin the moment you start expressing, exposing and confessing the hurt.
Maybe you
are hurting yourself through drugs, alcohol, cutting or other forms of
potentially destructive behavior. Tell someone so
the healing process can start! You are not alone. You may even find that an anti bullying and self esteem building coach can help. Find a self esteem building program like SELFIE or get in touch with The Self Esteem Doctor! Whatever you decide, don't be
afraid to reach out for help.
Concerning the story of "Jill's" life, you may wonder and ask the question, "What about now? Has her self esteem and confidence improved?"
The answer
is Y E S! She has learned that you can rise from the ashes of bad experiences, tragedies and
events in your life and shine like gold!
You can
harness all of the hurtful, horrible events that have happened to you and allow
those former or even current circumstances to develop you into greatness!
Read more about developing your greatness in this book.
For more information on anti bullying and self esteem programs, check out
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