Thursday, July 10, 2014

3 signs that your daughter is confident enough for college

SATs, ACTs, GPA and of course community service hours. Check!  My daughter is ready for college. Or is she? Where does the self-esteem and confidence rank on your daughter's college prep list?

Picture this: Your daughter is facing greater academic pressures, she's facing womanhood, she may even be living on her own or with "influential" roommates, which could introduce drugs, alcohol and partying to her list of pressures. Oh, and what about the boys?  Before you coddle your young woman and ban her from college, stay calm and consider this:  The more highly she thinks of her self and her worth, the better choices she'll make in college and beyond.  What a gift!

1)  She Compliments Herself
Self talk is a powerful tool that greatly impacts self esteem.  If your daughter is able to say, "Yes I did it."  Or "Wow, I really did a great job."  or even things like, "I really feel beautiful today"  These are all signs that her self talk is in a good place and will continue to feed her self esteem in a positive direction.

2)  She Takes Pride in Presenting herself
This is about confidence.  Confidence is the way we put our self-esteem on display.  It's not about her wearing the outfits you want, it's about her feeling good about the way she chooses to present herself her clothes, her shoes, her hair and make-up and even her posture. Sitting and standing with shoulders pulled back and head up is a great sign of confidence.

3)  She speaks up
Here I am referring to the volume and tone of her voice.  Mumbling is often a sign of uncertainty with self, and tonality is something that often isn't taught at all. Your daughter should speak in a way that people can hear her, this will be great for the college class room, internships, practicums and even sororities.  Tonality is the way our voice sounds when we are asking a question, making a statement or making a command.  By the way command tone, when used correctly, makes sales and lands interviews!

If your daughter is not complimenting herself, taking pride in her presentation and speaking up she can certainly still attend college!  She just may have a trickier time dealing with the pressures and influences that come with this time of her life.  There are certainly things you can do and resources you can turn to to help prepare her to improve her "selfie" as I like to call it.

For resources to check out the blog post entitled "What happened to my little girl?"
or get more ideas at

College can be a beautiful time of growth and self discovery for a young woman.  Give her the tools to make it spectacular with memories she can truly be proud of!

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