Monday, July 23, 2018

Did you know this about Stress?

The secret is out!  ...and I am hoping to help so many of you with this one.

Check this out...
Then take advantage of the resources that are out there:
Like these ebooks and these workbooks
and if you're into games then this one is for you!

Maybe this is not much of a #secret for you, but many don't know it or what to do about it. But since #selfesteem is how you're thinking & #feeling about yourself, learning to shifting that can help change the way you feel during #stressful situations. Many of us have it wrong, thinking that we have to go around combating situations and somehow fighting stressfull things but that's a never ending (and losing) battle. Instead we can make the adjustments within ourselves and improve our own capacity to manage our emotions & responses to various situations. Then we'll finally realize that we're #capable of reframing how we see situations that once caused us #stress and illness.... And we can transform, once and for all, to #KNOWING we are powerful enough to live in our joy and follow our bliss, No. Matter. What. 📒Get a copy of the 33 ways, link in Bio. #TSED #SELFESTEEM #YOUAREIMPORTANT #LOVEYOURSELF #LOVE #LAWOFATTRACTION #THESELFESTEEMDOCTOR #success #mindset #nlp #conferences #workshops #seminars #inspiration #motivation #motivationalspeaker #keynote #speaker #lifecoach #mentor #influencer
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"Its about allowing the fullness of who you are to flow through you.  Feel clear, good, eagerness, ethusiasm, joy, love, evidence of connection to source energy..."-Abraham Hicks

**************About Dr. Simone, D.D, hc**************** 

Simone Alicia is a certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner and a member of the Association for Integrative Psychology.  She holds Honorary Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa) and has a special interest in spirituality and metaphysics as it relates to self perception, self love and self esteem.  Dr. Simone has expertly combined these tools with her Master's in Business Management (M.S.M) and Bachelors in Education (B.A.Ed) to raise self esteem across the globe and coach you through the hard times.

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