Monday, May 26, 2014

Hey Ladies, Riddle Me This....

What happens to a teen girl who learns to cope by using self harm (like cutting) or drinking and taking drugs or even copes through anorexia or bulimia?

This is not a happy riddle. The answer really stinks!

She becomes an adult woman with a collection of dangerous resources for coping with life. As a mother she'll have limited positive resources to share with her daughters.  She will spend much time telling her children what does not work, and will not be able to provide tips for what does.  The best she will offer is, "this is just the way life is."  "Get used to it." "Get over it." and her daughter will eventually uncover the cycle of negative resources her mother once discovered.

Today many adult women recognize the cycle and seek to break it by seeking life coaches and attending pricey self development seminars and conferences (well worth the investment, I might add).  Professional women seem to be increasingly passionate about the way they think and feel about themselves while they grow professionally. The goal may appear to be about amassing a fortune or being at the top of the corporate ladder, but the REAL goal, is just to be happy - enjoy what you do, love who you are, pay the bills, see the world, and enjoy all of of the goodness in the Universe.

These 30, 40, and 50 somethings are ready to feel empowered and want to see themselves as worthy and able.  I have presented to professional women and offered enough tools to significantly change their thinking in just 15 short minutes! (See more about one of my mini-presentation here: 8 Women Walk into a Bar). If it isn't too late for them, then their is certainly still time for our teens.  That's where I come in.

While teaching elementary school, I remember being told by a fellow teacher, "Be glad you are working with the little ones, it's too late for the teenagers."  Although, I said nothing.  That lit a slow burning fire in my soul.

Today, I see the value in empowering women before they become women.  There is a huge advantage given to our future professional women, when they learn the keys to self-love, confidence, and overall empowerment while they are still teens.  I am happy to help them do it.

From one one one consultations to my #SELFIE Teen workshops (Self. Esteem. Lessons. For. Individual. Evolution) I am cultivating a crop of powerful women who love themselves enough to be all they can be and contribute the best of themselves to our world.  It's a beautiful thing. Check out my #selfie blog post

Every girl, every woman, and even the men and boys that connect with me begin to enjoy a more SASOM life "SASOM" Simply Appreciating the Significance of Me. You are worth it!


Dr. Simone Alicia
The Self Esteem Doctor
Empowering Women Before They Become Women

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